Mike Mower apparently knows Elder Greengrass' cousin or
something so he came to our branch to find Elder Greengrass so yeah he was a
nice friendly guy.
This past week was a really strong week for missionary
work. Me and Elder Mabanga had a lot of success and we found lots of
really good investigators. We have an investigator called Brother B who
is around 30 who we've had for a while. He's actually come to church for
3 weeks in a row now. Me and Elder Monoalibe taught him the first 3
lessons a long time ago, but he kind of disappeared after that so we didn't
teach him again. Then me and Elder Mabanga recontacted him. But
he's really hard to teach because he talks forever. The first time we
taught him after we recontacted him I asked him "Did you read the Book of
Mormon" and he literally talked for more than 15 minutes to answer that
question. He was talking all about his entire life story somehow it was
really weird. But anyway this past week we went to teach Brother B and
we went over the Restoration, and he actually remembered it perfectly.
But not only that but he told us all about how he has had a powerful witness
from the Holy Ghost that it's true and that Joseph Smith is a true prophet and
that The Book of Mormon is true. It was really cool and so we're excited
to get him baptized some time soon.
We have another investigator named N who is a 16 year old
girl. She is really progressing and this Sunday she came to church with
S and E, who are both of the people me and Elder Mabanga
baptized. N stayed even after church to go visit 2 members of the
church who had a death. When someone has a death, all the members go to
their home and preach or something so N came to both of those things which
lasted about 3 hours after church. N will definitely be baptized
soon. We are even going to teach her dad as soon as possible.
We also met a new sister named N. N is 22 and
she lives next door to the Mbaki's who are a member family. We taught
N the restoration and she was really excited about it. She actually
just moved to Cape Town and she is planning on inviting her friends to come to
church with her which should be nice.
Today for P day we went to a members house who has lots of
snakes so we took lots of pictures with snakes. I also attached a picture
with my buddy Qhawe and my comp.
Also today me and Elder Mabanga got locked out of our
boarding so I had to climb in through the window and we had no ladder so the
other missionaries just kind of hoisted me to a ledge and I pulled myself up
and went through the window. It was pretty sick actually to be entirely
honest so I'll send a picture of that too.
I'm really excited to stay in Langa for 12 more weeks.
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