To Dad:
I'm laughing that you guys went camping. Hahahaha. Mom was telling
me about it too and giving some solutions for the next time you go camping..
HA! I think the real solution is to just never go camping in a tent
dying though. The relief society brought a Nacho Bar!? What the
heck! hahahaha that's super hilarious. That's way dope too I hope you
enjoyed that one.
finished the Book of Mormon last week. I was thinking about how I used to
read the Book of Mormon when I was 8 and I always used to get so excited for you
to come home from work so I could tell you that I finished one of the books in
the Book of Mormon. Anyway I love you Dad. happy fathers day.
To Mom:
This week was an interesting week. First of all
nothing happened in our area because we were in Cape Town the whole week.
It kind of wrecked things here but it was really fun. The way we've done
MLC in the past is that the elders in the Eastern Cape would skype in and the
ones in Cape Town would meet together. But that was always just terrible
and frustrating and it didn't really work very well at all. So now
President has decided that every MLC all the zone leaders in the mission will
meet together. Which means the next one will be on July 2nd which is in 2
weeks now! Crazy. It did bring a good sense of unity to all of us
and it also made the discussion way better and more open. It was a lot
better for sure
It was great to see some of my friends too that I haven't
seen. Daniel Clark was there so we got to hang out for a while. And
Elder Lillback hahahaha I miss that guy so much. He was making all of us
laugh the whole time. It was pretty cool. Including Elder Ondracek
from the MTC 7 of my 12 companions were there. I think next time I'll
take a picture with all of them.
We were all hyped for the MLC because the APs kept sending
little texts hinting at big things for example "don't freak out when you
see the agenda for the MLC..." and things like that. But it turned
out to be nothing special at all. There was nothing really discussed that
was very big or that we didn't already know. Of course we talked a lot
about he issue of cars in the mission and President did reveal that the mission
will be losing many if not most of its cars between July 1 and July 17.
So we're going to have to be prepared to walk. I have a feeling I'll be
walking for my last 4 weeks.
Besides that President introduced a new pass-along card that
we're going to be using that has a question of the soul or a verse from the
Book of Mormon, and then it directs the person to
He wants us to put them in mailboxes to reach the people who have big gates and
who don't like it when we tract. It's actually a really inspired idea and
I think it's going to bless our mission a lot.
After that me and my companion exchanged with the
assistants, one of whom is my son, Elder Reedy. So I went with Elder
Reedy although we only had about 2 hours after everything was said and done, to
do misionary work. But it was nice to be with him and to chat about a lot
of things. I've seen him a lot since we left each other all the way back
in MD, but I've never actually got to just be together with him doing
missionary work and stuff so I was happy for that chance.
The plane was awesome. It seems like the Lord always
puts people in our path on the plane who are interested. All 6 of us sat
next to different people and all of use were chatting and having cool
experiences. On the flight to Cape Town I was sitting there while people
were coming onto to plane when the guy in front of me turned around in his seat
and asked me what all of us missionaries were doing. I thought, well that
was easy! Then I gave him the Book of Mormon and told him we were teaching
about it, and then he read it for the rest of the flight. It was cool he
was getting excited about it and taking pictures of a lot of the pages and
stuff. I even saw his chats on whatsapp and he was sending the picture of
the Book of Mormon. After the flight we talked for a bit and I gave his contacts
to the East London Elders so I'm sure they'll be teaching him for a
On the flight back some business guy bought chips and candy
bars for all of us elders hahaha I don't even know why he didn't even say
anything. We just told him about
and that was it. But maybe he'll go there and then we'll meet up with him
Fathers day was sweet. Ward 1 and Ward 2 met together so it
was a really great service. The attendance was 200 which was the most I
think I've seen since I've been in South Africa. And the singing was
really awesome. After church we all met in the gym and everyone feasted
even the people who aren't fathers. So that was really nice.
Z passed his baptismal interview so he'll
be baptized next Sunday. I'll send lots of pictures of that. He's
an awesome guy so I'm excited for his baptism.
me and my comp |
Elder Lillback...missed this guy like crazy! |
me and Elder Davies (turning 80 this Saturday!) |