To Mom:
This week was nice but we were hardly in the area. On
Wednesday we had to drive all the way for interviews in East London at
3:00. It was just really poor planning from whoever planned it because we
had to drive 45 minutes starting at 1:30 and then drive back after the
interviews which didn't end until almost 5:00. I don't know why we
weren't given the first interview slot in the morning so we could drive down
and then drive back in the morning without destroying the entire day. But
it was a nice interview and the senior couple gave us some lunch right
On Thursday we went for zone conference. We had a nice
training and it was cool. Elder Greengrass asked me to give part of the
training for Zone conference but he forgot to ask me until Wednesday night at
10:00. It was ok though because I was only given 10 minutes so it was
super easy and I just woke up early on Thursday and prepared it and it ended up
going really well.
The mission president trained us on a few things and it was
nice but the last 20 minutes was the really life changing part for me. He
started teaching us about how to use a budget. hahaha he introduced it by
saying that he wanted to teach us about one of his favorite principles of the
gospel which is a budget. Of course he loves budgeting because his
employment before mission was for the church as the south east Africa area self
reliance specialist. I was really inspired by what he said about a budget
and I've decided that for the rest of my mission I'm going to save 10% of my
MSF and at the end of mission I will turn it back in to the area. I think
it's going to help me a lot to learn how to save and how to live within my
On Friday we did a service project. We built a wall
for a house. I don't know why we volunteered for that or why we thought
we could but luckily for us 3 members who just happened to each be builders
volunteered to help us, so we spent 6 hours smashing up a brick wall for
someones house. It was really exhausting but we actually did it hahaha
and the old lady who we helped came to church with her granddaughter who is YSA
age and we may baptize them somewhere down the line which would be sweet.
We've been working with a guy who is the father in a member
family that has been members for at least 20 years. And for some reason
after all this time he's just never committed. He actually knows the
church is true I think but he doesn't want to do anything about it. But
this Sunday he just shocked us by showing up for church for the first time in
his life. He loved it so much. And now he's just so excited he told
us he wants to be baptized and we gave him the date for January 21st.
Otherwise we're just teaching so many new investigators all
the time because they keep leaving and so we're trying to teach about 15 new
investigators a week to keep up with December.
We watched the Christmas devotional on Sunday. I just
love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir so much. Every time they sang I felt
like I just wanted to shout hurray or cry or something.
To Dad:
built a wall on Friday. It was like a million degrees and it was so
hard. I am kind of good at just fading away during service projects so
that nobody really notices that I'm not actually working that hard. I
think you probably know that is true. Hahaha but this time I decided that
I want to learn to be a hard worker so I worked hard for the whole 6 hours
straight. It was so exhausting but I felt so proud of myself.
Christmas Dad. One thing I'm starting to develop that comes from you is
how much I love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Every time they were singing
I was just crying during the Christmas devotional. I was thinking to
myself that you were probably doing the same thing at home hahaha.
Zone Conference with Elder Greengrass |